BESTSDI & NatRisk Final Conference


Final program can be found HERE

About Conference

After three years of hard and successful work two Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education projects, BESTSDI and NatRisk are coming to its end. The results achieve will be presented at the joint Final conference of those two projects at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Reason to organize joint Final conference lies in the fact that project teams have recognized interconnections between those two projects relying on spatial data, and need to build standardized infrastructure for collection, storage and exchange of spatial data which will enable efficient use of those data in many fields of human activity, like natural disaster risks management what is the case in NatRisk project.

The final conference will also be an opportunity to present results of research conducted on the European level about Academia-Business cooperation requirements towards the establishment of efficient SDI, which has been conducted jointly by BESTSDI project and European Spatial Data Research association – EuroSDR.


For registration click HERE


More about workshop soon!


Faculty of Civil Engineering, Sarajevo
University of Sarajevo Rectorate
September 03 – 04, 2019

About Venue

Events on September 3rd and 5th will take place at University of Sarajevo Faculty of Civil Engineering, hall Burence, Patriotske lige 30

Event on September 4th will take place at the University of Sarajevo Rectorate, Ceremony hall, Obala Kulina Bana 7/II, Sarajevo

Useful links

Copyright @ BESTSDI 2019